The following is a compelling story from one of our clients:

“I was diagnosed with trich in 1st grade and I’ve pulled every 1-3 days since then. By the time I found Dr. Oler I was 17 years old and had pulled out all my eyebrows, eyelashes and about 50% of the hair on my head. My dad’s a doctor, so I’ve tried pretty much every possible medical treatment and drug for trich out there. They didn’t help me get rid of the urge and I usually felt awful when I took them.

Within a month of starting the amino acid therapy my urge to pull was completely gone! It was great! And unbelievable! Dr. Oler told me to continue my current dosing for 2 months and follow up. Over those 2 months, I pulled a couple times, but it wasn’t an urge; it felt more like the hairs weren’t growing right and I just pulled those and left everything else alone. My eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on my head all started growing back. During this time, I stopped taking the amino acids a couple times, but noticed the urge to pull increased, so I went back to Dr. Oler’s recommendations.

After 2 more months, all my hair was grown back and I wasn’t having any urges anymore. However, I forgot to take my supplements with me when I went away from Christmas and New Years and the urges came back BIG TIME and I pulled everything out again in about 5 days. As soon as I got home, I started the supplements again and didn’t have any urge to pull after about 5 days.

I continued at this dose for 6 months. I wasn’t pulling, my energy levels were great, I slept well, my cravings were gone and I started playing rugby again. I also noticed that my focus, concentration and memory had improved and I was doing better in my classes. I was very content.

After a couple more months, Dr. Oler recommended that we start to decrease the amino acids, as by this time, my neurotransmitter stores should be back to where they belong. I was apprehensive, but reassured that I could always go back to taking what I was currently taking and get the same results within a few days even if the urge to pull returned. I had a little bit of an increased urge to pull after changing the dose, but it only lasted a few days and it wasn’t too bad, but no urges after that.

We continued to decrease the amino acid dosing over time, adjusting as needed if I had an increased urge to pull or stress triggered me to pull. I also started learning some other ways to manage stress, like deep breathing, taking a quick walk around the block and aerobic exercise which helped.

It’s now been two years since I started working with Dr. Oler and I (1) don’t have any urges to pull, (2) am no longer taking medications for trich, and (3) haven’t taken any of the amino acid supplements for over 3 months. All my hair is grown back and I have absolutely no urge to pull anymore unless there is a lot of stress in my life. Even then, I can get through it without pulling very much. I am very content where I am at. Thank you for helping me beat trich!”

-Stephanie, 08/02/11




Image: Graeme Weatherston /