"The Beginning" Road Sign with dramatic blue sky and clouds.If you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know that for most people trichotillomania the urges to pull are due to imbalance(s) in neurotransmitters. The solution, therefore, is to rebalance a person’s neurotransmitter levels. The exact methods used for each person vary based on their unique needs, but all will involve the use of amino acid therapy.

The process begins with an initial consultation (either over the phone or in the clinic) where we determine the best course of action to get started. We then start using a specific combination of amino acids to help begin rebalancing a person’s brain chemistry. We may also begin other nutritional, dietary, lifestyle or a cognitive therapy to address each person’s underlying imbalances. No matter what we begin with, the next step is to reconnect in 1-2 weeks.

At that visit, we determine next steps. If a person has experienced a complete remission of symptoms (which occurs about 30% of the time) we maintain their current amino acid dosing levels (and adjunctive therapies) and schedule a follow up 2-4 weeks later. If they have not experienced a complete resolution of symptoms we may either (a) alter the amino acid dosing, (b) order further testing or (c) add additional nutritional, dietary or lifestyle therapies to work towards the person’s goals.

The majority of people with trichotillomania (about 75%) do not need additional testing to reach a resolution of symptoms. For those that do, additional testing generally allows us to reach a resolution of symptoms quicker than altering amino acid levels in a trial-and-error fashion. In addition, for those people that need additional testing, it can take 2-6 rounds of testing to pinpoint a person’s exact amino acid needs, with a small percentage of people needing more than 6 tests. However, with additional testing, we can restore proper neurotransmitter function 100% of the time, so it pays to stick with it and see it through.

Once a person achieves optimal neurotransmitter function and are urge-free, we follow up with them every 1-3 months to insure their continued success. After about 6-9 months of being urge-free, we will generally start to taper off the amino acids. We will continue this process until we either (a) eliminate all the amino acids or (b) reach the minimum amount of amino acids needed to keep the person urge-free.

Everyone is different, but this general protocol will give you a much better idea of what you can expect once you get started. When you are ready, please give us a call – we’d love to help you eliminate your urges to pull.