questionmarkblueWhen we get a person’s neurotransmitter function optimized, the urges to pull are eliminated in well over 80% of the people we see (incidentally, the other 20% usually discontinue using the amino acids for some reason,  so we don’t know how many of them could also eliminate the urge to pull had they been able to optimize their neurotransmitter status). However, on (very) rare occasion a person that had eliminated their urges to pull experiences a relapse after a period of time while taking amino acids as directed. If this occurs, there is usually a very concrete reason.

The most common reason is that the person missed one or more doses of their recommended amino acids. This can cause a temporary decrease in neurotransmitter function, which can lead to increased urges to pull. However, once the person resumes taking the full recommended doses of amino acids, these effects should disappear within 3-5 days.

Another possible culprit is a change in medication. Many of our clients use amino acids in conjunction with conventional medications that also work on neurotransmitters. If they change the dosing of their existing mediations or add new medications, we may need to adjust their amino acid dosing to accommodate the change(s). Again, once we have optimized the dose, the urges should subside in 3-5 days.

The last and probably most common non-nutraceutical/pharmaceutical reason for increased urges is stress. Stress causes several biochemical changes in the brain that can temporarily alter neurotransmitter synthesis and/or degradation. It is very common for high-stress to be a trigger for trich, and this can be true even if a person is on amino acids. However, in this case, it means that a person’s neurotransmitter levels are not quite optimal and some adjustment is necessary to provide a ‘buffer’ of sorts to insure that stress doesn’t cause enough of an imbalance to increase symptoms.

Anyone that suffers from trich and stops pulling for a period of time is fearful that the urges will come back at some time. If and when the urges do come back, it can be incredibly frustrating and disappointing. However, all is not lost. If the person is on amino acid therapy, very often all that is needed is to make sure all the doses are being taken appropriately; if needed, we can also make slight adjustments to their amino acid dosing to optimize their levels and get them urge-free once more.