I had a follow up the other day with a client that came to us with trich. She had been pulling since she was 13 years old (she was now 37) and had tried numerous techniques and treatments over those 24 years to stop pulling, including numerous medications. Here is her story and experience with amino acid therapy.

“I started pulling when I was 13 years old. At first it was more of a nervous habit, but pretty soon, I couldn’t help myself. I lived with it until I was an adult, then I began trying medications; none of them helped, and many of them made my symptoms worse or made me feel horrible. Over this time, I also started to developed terrible anxiety which got worse and worse with each pregnancy (she has 3 kids).  I also started to gain weight. The worst part is that I am starting to see signs of trich in my kids.

When I first started working with Dr. Chad, I immediately started to feel better, with some decrease in anxiety and a substantial increase in energy. I also started to work with my doctor to decrease the Wellbutrin that I was taking by 50%. The trich wasn’t doing so great, as I still had urges, but I didn’t pull.

Dr. Chad adjusted the amino acid therapy and within 3 weeks my urge to pull was gone, my anxiety was doing really well and my appetite had gone down, so I was starting to lose weight. I was also able to completely get off my Wellbutrin with no increase in symptoms. Now I am going to try and get off the amitriptyline that I am taking for anxiety as well.

I am so grateful to Dr. Chad for helping me get my life back. I can now enjoy my time with my kids because I’m not so stressed out and not thinking constantly about pulling. I’ve started to go out socially again and it feels wonderful. Thank you Dr. Chad for all you do and for helping me get rid of trich!”

Margaret’s story goes to show that no matter how long you may have suffered from trich, you can still get your life back and eliminate the urge to pull. Now we are working with Margaret’s kids to help them eliminate the urge to pull and stop the trich before it starts.