Many people that suffer from trichotillomania also experience other symptoms of neurotransmitter imbalance, which can include any of the following:

Depression Anxiety Migraines
Insomnia Cravings Increased appetite
Low pain tolerance Hot flashes Mood swings
PMS Sleep difficulties Poor memory
Weight gain Poor weight loss Hormone imbalances
Poor mental focus Poor concentration Restless legs
Fibromyalgia Fatigue/Chronic fatigue Poor thyroid function
Parkinson’s Disease ADD/ADHD Trichotillomania
Addictions Binging behavior Eating disorders
Obsessive thoughts Compulsion Crohn’s disease


In particular, we have been seeing a lot of people suffering from trichotillomania that also have insatiable cravings for sweets and/or simple carbohydrates, including breads, cookies, candy, chips, pastries and similar foods. Most people that have this combination of sugar cravings and trichotillomania don’t realize they are connected, and they often feel helpless on both accounts. However, I am here to tell you that not only are they related, they can both be resolved using the same techniques.

Balanced Amino Acid Therapy

Both the urge to pull and cravings for sugar and sweets are regulated by your brain chemistry. The chemical messengers responsible for this regulation are called neurotransmitters, which include serotonin and dopamine. Imbalances in your neurotransmitter function will cause miscommunication, which often leads to symptoms including the urge to pull, cravings and any number of the conditions listed above. However, restoring proper neurotransmitter balance will improve communication and alleviate these conditions.

One of the keys to establishing proper neurotransmitter function is the employment of balanced amino acid therapy. This means that a health care professional trained in the proper use of amino acids will help you determine exactly the right mix of amino acids and cofactors you need in order to establish optimal neurotransmitter function. Once this occurs, not only will your urge to pull disappear, your cravings will also be substantially reduced or eliminated altogether. This occurs because you are addressing the root cause of your problems, and by digging down to the root, you can manage a whole host of symptoms due to neurotransmitter imbalance.