signaling (animated)
Creative Commons License photo credit: Genista

What do neurotransmitters and nutritional balance have to do with trichotillomania?

Well, if you’re not familiar with either concept, then you’re going to be both surprised and pleased.

Neurotransmitters are basically chemical messengers in the body that tell it what to do.  There are two main types of these chemical messengers – inhibitory and excitatory.

As you would expect, the inhibitory neurotransmitters slow down the flow of information in the brain, and the excitatory neurotransmitters increase it.  If there are imbalances between the two, it can result in an intense urge to do compulsive things, like pulling hair out.

To help you stop pulling hair out, our approach is to help reestablish proper levels of these chemical messengers and correct your nutritional imbalances. 

Don’t other approaches involve neurotransmitters?

Traditional medicine, or allopathic medicine, does work extensively in this area.  Unfortunately, the medications used to treat trichotillomania mask or shuffle the neurotransmitters around, so that the body is tricked into believing it is receiving the correct levels.

Over time, this approach will become ineffective, and people lose the ability to stop pulling hair out. Tricked by the medication into believing it has enough of its valued chemical messengers, the body sends out enzymes to destroy the ones present in the  synapses.

As a result, the body eventually depletes itself of neurotransmitters, and the current medication level becomes ineffective. At this point, the medication dose is either increased or additional medications are recommended.

Inadequate levels are also at the heart of why many people do not respond well to the medical treatments currently available. Medications don’t work if there are insufficient chemical messengers to work on. Yet this occurs, time and time again, and the dosage levels are increased, time and time again.

The result is a cyclical approach that helps no one in the end.

No matter what you have tried before, there is a proven natural approach to help you eliminate the urge to pull.

For a more in-depth analysis of natural anxiety treatments, refer to our two-part explanation.