by Stop Pulling Hair Out | Aug 16, 2010 | How to stop hair pulling, Managing Trichotillomania, Trichotillomania causes, What is trichotillomania
photo credit: gcfairch We visit a lot of different trich blogs. As we try and educate people about why they can’t stop pulling hair out, we see a common theme: People just blame themselves for trich. We don’t think that’s fair, and we know it’s not right. Because...
by Stop Pulling Hair Out | Mar 21, 2010 | People with trichotillomania
We highly recommend Pass the Baton, a touching and inspirational film about a mother and daughter’s battle with trichotillomania. The film is directed by Suzi Landolphi, and written by Hannah Sussman and Michael Perricone. It’s the touching story of a mother’s...
by Stop Pulling Hair Out | Mar 12, 2010 | People with trichotillomania, Support for trichotillomania
Joyce Scarborough is a writer. Like 40 million people worldwide, she also suffers from an inability to stop pulling out hair – trichotillomania. But she’s not shy about the condition. In fact, she’s basing her new humorous novel on it. “See, I figured that if...
by Stop Pulling Hair Out | Feb 25, 2010 | Managing Trichotillomania, Trichotillomania causes, Trichotillomania research
photo credit: Mark Cummins We’ve touched on the Natural Way to Stop Pulling Hair Out. But let’s take an even deeper look into how the natural anxiety treatment works. Natural anxiety treatment all takes place in the synapse We’re going to delve into the nervous...