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Creative Commons License photo credit: InkHong

The Stop Pulling Hair Out – The Natural Way is based on getting to the root cause of trichotillomania.  It’s an approach that has produced dramatic results helping people to stop pulling hair out.

This blog is dedicated to the people who are struggling with this condition every day.  You’ll see all kinds of stories about people like you.  You’ll also read about a lot of posts out there with breakthrough cures that often fall short.

The rest of this post is dedicated to explaining our approach.  Feel free to read it, and peruse the rest of the blog.  We look forward to your comments, and we’d love a chance to help you like we’re helping so many others.

Stop Pulling Hair OutThe Natural Way is based on reestablishing proper neurotransmitter levels and nutritional balance.  It’s a very simple, straight-forward program:

  • Requires no office visits or extensive tests
  • Often produces quick, dramatic results
  • Creates a long-term plan that can get you off medication (if desired)

Understand that we are not encouraging people to abandon traditional behavioral therapy and/or medications as they work to stop pulling hair out.  These are very complementary therapies that can help you get through any of your psychological and emotional triggers compelling you to pull.

First, you need to understand the science behind Stop Pulling Hair Out – The Natural Way.

The Natural Way to Stop Pulling Hair Out

The approach we’ve taken at the Natural Path Health Center is to attack the root of the problem.

Stop Pulling Hair Out – The Natural Way involves working with clients to find where the deficiency exists, and then providing the amino acids and co-factors the body needs to create more of those neurotransmitters.

With those neurotransmitters in place, people regain the ability to stop pulling hair out.

The get to that point, we follow a simple process:

  1. To help you stop pulling hair, we first determine the underlying neurotransmitter and/or nutritional imbalances for each individual, and then design a program.
  2. If testing is advised, we can set up a simple, inexpensive test to determine the neurotransmitter and/or nutritional levels.
  3. To rebuild your neurotransmitter levels, we may recommend natural supplements that provide amino acids and cofactors.  You begin taking these supplements, and we check in with you on a weekly basis until the urge to pull is eliminated.

You’re one step away from the Natural Way to Stop Pulling Hair Out

The first step is to schedule a 20-30 minute telephone interview with Dr. Chad Oler, N.D., clinical director of the Natural Path Health Center.

Dr. Chad will review your history and make recommendations.  This initial interview costs just $60.

To set up your phone consultation, please call 866-888-6721 or fill out the following form:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


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