by Stop Pulling Hair Out | Aug 23, 2010 | People with trichotillomania, Support for trichotillomania
photo credit: Debra Mason At, we talk a lot about the physical approach you can take to stop pulling hair out. The clients we’ve seen achieve dramatic results have corrected their neurotransmitter imbalances and properly adjusted their...
by Stop Pulling Hair Out | Aug 6, 2010 | Managing Trichotillomania, People we helped stop pulling hair out, People with trichotillomania
photo credit: Preston Kemp Say hi to Lacey. She’s another example of how balancing neurotransmitters helped a trich sufferer stop pulling hair out. Lacey has been using Dr. Chad Oler’s approach to rebalancing neurotransmitters. She was referred to us by...
by Stop Pulling Hair Out | Jun 17, 2010 | People we helped stop pulling hair out, People with trichotillomania
photo credit: John Mee We like to publish our success stories, not only to prove the efficacy of our approach, but also to offer hope to trich sufferers. The following comes from C.P. We helped C.P. overcome her inability to stop pulling hair out, as we do with all...
by Stop Pulling Hair Out | Jun 10, 2010 | People with trichotillomania, Support for trichotillomania
One of the great things about social media is that everyone’s story can be told – including people who suffer from trichotillomania. One story can be seen on YouTube. A woman named “friedamour” talks about her struggles to stop pulling hair out in a series of videos....
by Stop Pulling Hair Out | May 24, 2010 | How to stop hair pulling, Managing Trichotillomania, People with trichotillomania, Trichotillomania causes
I came across a blog called It’s Trichy. It’s written by a person who suffers from trichotillomania. On one of the pages, the author talks about things she’s tried to resist the urge to stop pulling hair out. I thought her comments provided a perfect example of how...
by Stop Pulling Hair Out | Apr 13, 2010 | Managing Trichotillomania, People with trichotillomania, Support for trichotillomania
Support critical for healing trichotillomania We’re writing this blog in response to a comment made on Daily Strength, in a trichotillomania support group designed to help people stop pulling hair out. The post was made in response to a paragraph written by Dr. Fred...